
Admin menu system for RedM

Available Frameworks


Script Installation

  1. Drag and drop to your resources file.

  2. Ensure & Start script on server.cfg or on your cfg file of server.

Script Configiration


You can edit the notify's in config.lua

Locales = {
        ["en"] = {
            usedAdmin = "Player used /adminmenu command.",
            usedKill = "An admin used kill player event.",
            revivedPlayer = "An admin used revive player event.",
            reviveAll = "An admin used revive **all** players event.",
            usedGoto = "An admin used goto button.",
            usedBring = "An admin used bring button.",
            healEvent = "An admin used heal event.",
            freezeEvent = "An admin used freeze button.",
            respawn = "An admin used respawn button.",
            clearInventory = "An admin used clear inventory button.",
            clearCurrency = "An admin used clear currency button.",
            spectatePlayer = "An admin used spectate.",
            announce = "Announce",
            godmodeOff = "God mode turned off.",
            godmodeOn = "God mode turned on.",
            noPerm = "You don't have permission for this command.",
            respawned = "Respawned",
            lostAll = "You lost all.",
            revieseOurRules = "Please revise our rules!",
            weaponswiped = "Weapons have been wiped",
            weaponwipe = "all your weapons and ammo have been wiped by an admin",
            goldremoved = "gold has been removed",
            goldremovedfromyou = "an admin removed your pocket gold",
            moneyremoved = "money has been removed from player",
            moneyremovedfromyou = "an admin removed your pocket money",
            kickednotify  = "YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED",
            banned  = "YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED",
            kickednotify1   = "please follow th rules!",
            kickedHeader = "KICKED",
            itemswiped = "Items have been wiped",
            itemwipe = "~e~all your items have been wiped by an ~o~admin",

Set Admins

You can set admins and accessible values on config.

    Players = {
        ["steam:11000011342d0b7"] = {
            ["permission"] = "Admin",
            ["ban"] = false,
            ["kick"] = false,
            ["spectate"] = true,
            ["kill"] = true,
            ["goto"] = true,
            ["bring"] = true,
            ["heal"] = true,
            ["revive"] = true,
            ["heal"] = true,
            ["respawn"] = true,
            ["freeze"] = true,
            ["clearinv"] = true,
            ["cleargun"] = true,
            ["clearmoney"] = true,
            ["cleargold"] = true,
            ["warn"] = true,

Edit Webhooks

You can set discord webhook for log system.

    Webhook = "",
    webhookColor        = 16711680,
    name                = "CAS",
    logo                = "",
    footerLogo          = "",
    Avatar              = "",

Last updated