Launcher Installation

You can install your launcher by follow steps.

Install Node JS And Get ready the launcher files

1 - Download node js if doesn't exist by click this link.

and wait for installation.

Launcher .EXE Build

And wait for process

3 - The exe file is your launcher APP.

Launcher Auto Update By using gitHUB


  • Please open package.json and set your repo link!

      "repository": "",

1- Create a github account if doesn't exist already.

2 - Create a repo (name can be random also files can be random we don't need them)

4 - Click "Create a new release" button.

5 - The release "tag" and "title" must be launcher version.

6 - And attach the builded files in the launcher folder.

7 - Then click publish release button in the bottom of page.

So we uploaded the current version of launcher (1.0.0).

Imagine you changed something in launcher like server name or events etc.

8 - Follow this patchs - yourlauncherfolder/release/app/package.json - yourlauncherfolder/release/app/package-lock.json - yourlauncherfolder/package.json

find all version variable and change it to new version like "1.0.1"

  "version": "1.0.0",

9 - Then re-build the launcher exe file with "npm run package" and wait for process.

10 - Draft new release on same repo and set settings according to new version. ( i changed the version to 1.0.1 so i set the tag and title as "1.0.1"

12 - And click "publish release" button.

13 - Everything is done!

You can get the exe link from releases, only exe file enough.

Last updated